Big Data Emerging in Feedlots

HerdWhistle collects colossal amounts of data on the feedlot. It is the first affordable system with 24/7 cattle monitoring and full feedlot coverage. Never before has the feedlot operator seen this sheer quantity and quality of data generated from their operations. With that kind of data, the opportunities are endless.

Data collected by HerdWhistle is the very definition of “Big Data.” Big data refers to data that is so large, fast, or complex that it is impossible to process using traditional methods. HerdWhistle runs 24/7 collecting thousands of data points from each individual animal on the feedlot each day. Over the course of a month, it can produce billions of data points on a single feedlot. That is big data. 

Big data is a highly effective way to identify opportunities, solve problems, or reduce costs. But data on its own is not overly useful. It needs to be analyzed. Artificial intelligence and machine learning sift through the data to extract value from it. The more data you have, the more analysis and better output you will receive. 

HerdWhistle collects data that is simply impossible to gather manually. No feedlot operator is capable of watching over their entire herd 24/7 and recording each animal’s individual behaviour. The process needs to be automated and the best way to do that is to install sensors across the entire lot to generate a continuous data stream. 

In the case of HerdWhistle, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) sensors do all the legwork. RFID sensors line the inside of every single feed bunk, while smaller RFID sensors are installed above each water bowl. Each animal receives an ear tag for visual identification. Inside that ear tag is an RFID chip. Every time an animal eats or drinks, HerdWhistle collects their unique ID into a database. Each animal spends a few hours eating and drinking every single day, thus on a 20,000 head feedlot, the data adds up very quickly. 

Tracking each of the individual animals is a method known as Precision Livestock Farming (PLF). It gives feedlot operators a precision view of each of its thousands of animals. By doing so, the data can be analyzed to predict signs of illness, injury, and distress. It can even help with stocking and inventory management, or predict the animals with more efficient weight gain. 

Until now, feedlot operators have relied on very little data, typically manual input into their own systems. With the arrival of HerdWhistle, feedlots are able to reap the benefits of big data on a daily basis.

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